2012. március 12., hétfő

Spoilerek egyenesen eewatól


Ismét itt egy újabb cikk, amin alaposan elgondolkodtam. Vajon mit jelent az, amit Matt Davis mondott? Csak nem Alaric lesz a gyilkos? Bár az furcsa lenne, ha hasba szúrta volna saját magát, de mégis... Persze ő erről nem tud...

 “What we’re going to learn is when you wear the ring and you die, and you die, and you die, and you die again, there’s a consequence to that,” he said. “What we’re about to show is what those consequences are for Alaric.

És ami Delenát illeti:  

"And what of Damon and Elena, who just a few episodes back shared an incredibly buzzy lip-lock but now remain on less-than-pleasant terms? For now, says Somerhalder, they've walked away, realizing that it wasn't the most emotionally healthy situation. But it's likely far from over for the pair, as he teases with a smirk, "there's some really cool stuff coming up."

Puszi mindenkinek: " A Spoilerkirálynő"  :)

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