2012. április 30., hétfő

Egy igazán jó vélemény / A Great opinion about Delena and Stelena

Twitteren egy nagy Delenás leírta a gondolatait. Én meg egy másik lány megkértük, hogy foglalja össze és postolja ki tumblr-re, meg is tette. Köszönet érte.

I posted my thoughts about this popular topic on Twitter after someone posted their thoughts on why Elena is going to pick Stefan in the finale. By popular demand, I decided to bring all my thoughts together and post them here. Two people in particular I want to give a shout out too pllrocks1 and sanslyde and they are both on Twitter. =)
 My thoughts:
I just read a very compelling argument as to why someone thinks that Elena will pick Stefan in the finale and not Damon. And while I agree that she believes she would pick Stefan because she needs security and that he supposedly will be around and not lash out when she needs someone I don’t agree that for a real relationship, yes, security is important, but that’s it? Security? A real, vibrant, passionate relationship is hard work. Its anger, hate, passion, security, trust, love, its EVERYTHING! The good and the bad. People think it’s leading to Stefan because in the last episode when Elena said she doesn’t have anyone, Stefan said you will have me. Let’s ignore the fact that in mist of Alaric’s death he took advantage to play himself up, for Elena to pick Stefan off security alone, where is the passion? Keeping her on her toes? Not only that BUT, I resent the fact that people think that Damon will never be security for Elena. Damon loves with everything inside of him. He has been there with Elena. He STAYED! When Stefan went off, yes, I know, to save his brother, with Klaus, Damon was there. Even when Stefan came back, he pushed Elena away. Damon loves Elena. He truly loves her and he even said, “I will never leave you again.” She can trust him. Count on him. Yes, Damon is rash, he does things without thinking, but in the end, his entire being is Elena. They may hurt each other, but in the end, to say that Stefan is Elena’s security when he hasn’t been there and Damon has and to give Damon no credit what so ever not only is wrong but makes the argument as to why Elena will choose Stefan and not Damon invalid. If Damon wasn’t someone she wanted, she would have never fallen in love with him.
Now, to give this person credit, she does believe that Elena will tell both brothers that she loves them HOWEVER, if Elena didn’t find just a little bit of security with Damon, if she didn’t truly believe that she could be with him and be safe and loved, she would have never fallen in love with him in the first place. And let me point out it was involuntary which makes it that much more special because subconsciously, she fell in love with him. Without thinking, without wanting to, she trusted him. She didn’t have to think about it. It’s not rationale, it’s not because he’s safe, but it’s because of how she feels with him. I almost feel like when Elena was talking to Matt and she said that she was with Stefan partly because he couldn’t die and a part of her felt secure, it was a conscious thought on her part. With Damon, it wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love and DESPITE of it, she did fall in love. Damon is secure because no matter what, Elena will come first. He has saved her multiple times. He has been there.
My god, in 2x08 he sacrificed his own happiness for the happiness of his brother and the woman he loves. He didn’t think he could make her happy, make her secure, so he gave up his happiness so Stefan and Elena can be together. So to not give Damon his credit doesn’t make the argument wrong, but it makes it completely one-sided and it just ignorance to completely ignore the security that Damon has brought Elena. He has brought her security but on top of that, he has brought her himself. Damon has fallen in love with Elena and everything that she is and vice-versa. Elena started falling in love with Damon during his dark times. When the hate consumed him. She started falling in love with Damon in his darkest time where with Stefan; she fell in love with the man he tried to be. The persona of the darkness inside of him. So for me, since the beginning, Elena has known EXACTLY who Damon was since the beginning and as the seasons go on more layers keep getting pulled back. With Stefan, she fell in love with the facade and now seeing the darkness, she fought for him yes, but there was still that denial that he could never be that dark, that it’s not HER Stefan. So since the beginning, SE started off as a lie.
But again, before I go off into that rant, lol, again, I just wanted to get out the fact that Damon has been Elena’s security in more ways than one. When Stefan wasn’t there, Damon always was. Even in the first two seasons, Damon has been there even when she was with Stefan, so to say that she will pick Stefan based on security alone, again, just pure ignorance to me and it completely disregards everything Damon has done for her. She might pick Stefan, she might not. She might pick Damon, she might not. But the argument, to me at least, is not completely valid when you completely ignore everything that Damon has done and the way he has always been there for Elena. But again, that’s just me.


This Fanmade promo is Sooo AWESOME!! EZ a promo amit egy rajongó csinált vmi fantasztikus, nézzétek meg!

Spoiler Klausról / Spoiler about Klaus

AlexJohnJohnson: Vampire Diaries, pretty pretty please?
How about some scoop on Klaus? Good? Good. The OG hybrid will have a "heroic moment" in Thursday's episode, but in a classic Klaus move, it'll be followed by "something so horrible, you're like, 'Man, what's wrong with you?!'" teases executive producer Julie Plec. "Klaus will never be a hero, but that's not to say he won't do heroic things." So what's Klaus' next move now that his mother has successfully created the ultimate vampire hunter? "This is a second call of arms to Klaus, who may have gotten distracted by pretty blondes and paintings and horses," Plec says. "This is the reminder that this guy means business, and he's not going to let his guard down again. It's a nice reboot of the villain." Hero and villain all wrapped in one devilishly handsome British hybrid? Only on TVD!

Tudj meg többet / Read more: http://uk.eonline.com/news/watch_with_kristin/spoiler_chat_daily_big_bad_vampire/312443#ixzz1tWanOZVi

Pics about Joseph M. in Hungary :)))

Thanks Nirvana!! ILY!! (L)

" WE were BadASS"

A második kedvenc karakterem  és a második legszexibb TVD pasi emlékére:

Imádtam Őket együtt! A DALARIC talán még jobban élt mint a Delena! Rest in Peace RIC!

Carina vélemény 3.20ról /Carina's article about 3.20

Julie Plec, néhány spoiler a fináléról.. /JP' interview (some spoilers)

‘Vampire Diaries’ Director Julie Plec Gives Fans Something To Sink Their Fangs Into: Season Finale Spoilers!

'Vampire Diaries' Director Julie Plec Gives Fans Something To Sink Their Fangs Into: Season Finale Spoilers!
The Vampire Diaries season finale is coming up fast, and Executive Producer/Director Julie Plec has a few spoilers that will definitely get curious fans even more excited than they already are. Now, if spoilers make you sick/ill then I suggest you turn around now, as CDL does not want to be responsible for mental breakdowns or ruining the outcome of an individual’s supernatural-TV-drama-watching experience . . . .
By now, however, most fans of the show will know that the third season finale will feature flashbacks of Elena’s life — before everything went supernatural. It will show glimpses of her life before Stefan and the time when her parents, who will be played by actors Jason MacDonald and Erin Beute, were still very much alive.
Well . . . we hope it’s not too normal. Because normality bores us.
Plec has made it clear that the car crash Elena and her parents suffered was purely an accident; it wasn’t brought about by any supernatural event.
“[The use of flashback] is going to lead a lot of people to think ‘Oh, they’re going to reveal something huge about the way that accident went down’. I will still say what I said three years ago. That was an accident, period, end of story, no supernatural influence.”
She continues:
“The flashback in the finale is a nice, small little runner that goes through the entire episode as Elena is looking back on a part of her life when things were just more simple, at least from a supernatural level.”
Aunt Jenna will also make a guest appearance in this episode and Matt’s role in Elena’s pre-crazy life will be promoted as well.
“Matt is one of the vestigial representatives of this life that was clean and simple for [Elena],” Plec says. “Their friendship dates back to when they were in the sandbox together . . . . We get a nice little flash of what it was like when they were dating, and that they were themselves a troubled relationship. Even though she’s remembering a simpler time, her problems were actually just as complicated.”
The show has promised us that we’ll definitely be seeing tons of romance and heartbreak by the end of the season. Who will she choose? Damon or Stefan? Based off of the last episode, I’m mentally preparing myself for Elena to go running back to the whiny-annoying Stefan, but who knows . . . the show might completely surprise us. They’ve definitely set it up to where the characters’ arcs could take any different number of directions.

Még egy kis Steffie szidás.. (de megérdemli..)

Vagyis az írók érdemlik meg... Tessék elolvasni, minden szava igaz!! Én is ezt éreztem

Sorry Stelena/Stefan lovers, but…

Stefan turning Alaric’s death into a Stelena push is probably one of the more tasteless things I have seen on television. Alaric is Elena and Jeremy’s last parental figure, he was Damon’s only friend, (which Stefan himself just acknowledged a few episodes ago), and Alaric, Jeremy, Elena and Damon have been an atypical, but relatively functional, family all season long. Stefan is not a part of that, and instead of respecting that, and being there for his brother and Elena in a supportive capacity while they mourned the loss of their “family” unit, he left his brother to grieve alone and used Damon’s absence and Elena’s grief to insinuate himself into her life. 

That “you have me” and all that it implies is disgusting. Stefan hasn’t been there for Elena all season long. In fact, Stefan has been a destructive force in Elena’s life this season. He has been verbally and emotionally abusive, physically tried to kill her, shown indifference in the face of her pain and loss, and put his needs in front of her time and again. That he has the gall to suggest he is someone who is there for her is astonishing. On what basis does he make that assertion? God, what a unearned, baseless and ridiculous thing to say. 

And the fact that Stefan implies that he is the only person who Elena has is infuriating. First, he ignores the fact that Elena has Caroline, Bonnie, Matt and Jeremy. So, there’s that. But what’s worse for me somehow, is that he cuts Damon out of it, too. Damon has been there for Elena all season long while Stean was out doing his ripper thing. Damon was the one looking for Stefan all summer. Damon was the one who risked his life multiple times so that Elena could just talk to Stefan. Damon was the one helping Elena make chili after Stefan told her they were over because Damon was afraid she was going to break. Damon was the one who carried Elena out of the hospital after Stefan attacked her and Klaus tried to steal her blood. Damon was the one who helped teach Elena how to fight back. Damon was the one who consoled Elena after she daggered Rebekah for the greater good. Damon was the one who helped Elena find a way to protect Jeremy after Stefan refused. Damon was the one who picked Elena up and took her home after Stefan left her stranded on the side of the road because she wouldn’t get back in the car with him after he force fed her blood and tried to drive her off of Wickerey Bridge. Damon was the one who killed Abby so Elena wouldn’t die. Damon was the one who found the white oak wood to make the stakes. Damon was the one who has tried all damned season long to be Elena’s friend, protector and problem-solver. And Damon would have been there in that damned office letting Elena’s grief be about her expression of loss, if Damon hadn’t been sitting with Ric so that he wouldn’t die alone. 

The fact that Stefan just cuts him out of Elena’s life like he has done nothing of consequence makes me furious. The fact that the writers seem not to understand just how awful that makes Stefan look blows my mind.

And Damon too...

Nagyon igaz kép ez is. Stef véleményen szerint gusztustalan mód kihasználta a helyzetet, Ric elvesztését. Örülök, hogy Damon nem ezt tette... nem a lányt próbálta meg elbűvölni, hanem a barátjával maradt.. szerintem amúgy Elenának sem Steffivel kellett volna vígasztalódnia.. meg, ne már az legyen a téma, hogy Stefan mit tett és mit bánt meg, hogy változott, meg h mi van kettejükkel, mikor a SEXI és ÉDES töri tanárunk éppen most veszti el önmagát és hal meg... hát ez vmi undorító volt az írók részéről.. de mind1 is... ja meg ez a "You have me" WHat DA Fuck????!!!! Fél évig sehol sem voltál kisköcsög akkor miről beszélsz???!! Na mind1.. ne is menjünk bele.. majd erről is hozok mindjárt egy cikket, vagy véleményt de most a kép:

RÁM nagyon Igaz kép...

Veletek is így van??! Damonhoz még én odanyomnám Klaust is illetve néha Elenát is.. de ha Klaus és Damon sír, akkor Sleepy is könnyekben úszik...

Ne hari...

Ne haragudjatok, hogy régen jelentkeztem, de higgyétek el, hogy elég komoly indokom van/volt rá.. viszont most hoztam jó néhány új dolgot, véleményt, feltevéseket, igazságokat, stb... Tömény SLEEPY babáim!
Na akkor kezdjük!!

2012. április 26., csütörtök

What Da Fuck??!! Mit történik Carolinenal??!

Vki magyarázza már meg, hogy hol van a jófej, laza, NEM IDIÓTA Caroline??

Most komolyan azt sugallja Elenának, hogy legyél Stefannal és maradj távol Mattől??! MI VAN??!!! Ezután a cikk után eskü nem is nagyon akarom látni ezt az epizódot..
Stelenáról is sok minden van benne...

Vampire Diaries Preview: 5 Scoopy Bits From the 'Really Sad' Decade Dance

Vampire Diaries Elena and StefanA dance should be a happy affair, but on The Vampire Diaries it usually ends in disaster. Tonight’s 1920s party (airing at 8/7c on The CW) will be no exception. “It’s a really sad [episode] in which Tyler wears a badass fedora, Matt wields a rifle, Jeremy brandishes a crossbow, and the beautiful Caroline Forbes [finds] an excellent lipstick-dress color hue match and fends off multiple suitors,” previews executive producerJulie Plec.
Below are 5 other scoopy bits from the hour, titled “Do Not Go Gentle,” which we had the good fortune of screening in advance.

•  While last week’s episode was a veritable valentine to Delena ‘shippers, tonight’s hour will give fans of Elena and her first love, Stefan, plenty to swoon about. Even though she just made out with his brother, Elena will call up her ex and ask him to be her date. “[Stefan]‘s been terrified of opening himself back up and letting those feelings in,” says Plec. Apprehension aside, he will gladly accept Elena’s offer, and yes, a certain someone will find out about it. But more surprising is the younger Salvatore’s reaction when Elena brings up her and Damon’s road trip adventure. “The cliché is the girl tears them apart, so how can we let the girl bring them even closer together, which of course makes her decision even more difficult?” muses Plec.
•  After the last episode’s big Alaric and Rebekah/Esther cliffhanger, it’s no surprise that the dark side of Elena and Jeremy’s guardian takes center stage. But if you think you know where this story is going, you might be in for a shock or two (or three).

• Caroline’s the one who encourages Elena to ask Stefan to the dance, but did you know that in addition to being a Stelena ‘shipper, our favorite perky vamp is…anti-Matt/Elena? Out of concern for her friend, she’ll give some words of advice to her ex-boyfriend about getting too close to Elena. “People who love her and care about her tend to get hurt,” explains Plec, adding that a season finale flashback will reveal “what it was like when [Elena and Matt] were dating and that they were themselves in a troubled relationship. Even though she’s remembering a simpler time, her problems were just as complicated.”
•  Then there’s Caroline’s own busy love life… Yes, as the picture to the right reveals, she will be dancing with both Tyler and Klaus. So how does Tyler feel about his sire and his girl getting close? “He’s biting his tongue,” says Michael Trevino. But one guy clearly has the edge over the other – just maybe not forever.

•  Have some tissues at the ready because the waterworks will no doubt be flowing, especially during a particularly moving scene involving the entire cast, which Plec calls “the heart and soul” of the season.

2012. április 25., szerda

Kép a fináléból (flashback)

“The Departed”
Pictured (L-R): Sara Canning as Jenna, Erin Beute as Miranda, and Nina Dobrev as Elena (back to camera).

Elena could probably use some adult guidance these days on The Vampire Diaries, so what better time for a visit from Aunt Jenna? We’ve got your exclusive first look at the fan favorite’s return in the Season 3 finale (airing May 10 at 9/8c on The CW.)
But if you recall, Elena’s former guardian is dead — RIP — so her portrayer Sara Canning will appear in flashbacks as “Elena, going through a particularly rough time, reflects back on a [period] in her life when things were much more simple,” describes executive producer Julie Plec. That means we’ll also see the young Gilbert bonding with her mom, Miranda (guest star Erin Beute, center), in the episode.

Producer előzetes 3x20

A csúf igazság Stefanról

Gyerekek.. minden sora igaz!!!
Olvassátok el! Marhajóóó!!!!

Spoiler 3.20

Sokan aggódnak6aggódtak, hogy a 20.ban lesz e Delena jelenet, egyátalán beszélnek e egymással. a Válasz megjött. IGEN.
A vágó most írta:

Cikk: Damon&Elena, a csók és Esther

kezd Caroline nagggyon irritálni...

'Vampire Diaries': EP Julie Plec on Elena ogling Damon, Caroline championing Stefan, and a twist on the Rebesther twist


Fans of The Vampire Diaries are still talking about last week’s epic Damon and Elena kiss and the motel ogling scene that started it off — which, regardless of whether they’re Team Delena or Team Stelena, they had to admit was hot. “I can’t speak for everybody else in this world, but when we were talking about what the scene needed to be in the writer’s room, we’ve all had those moments where you end up laying in bed in high school with a guy or a girl that you like, and you don’t know what’s gonna happen, you don’t know what it means, but all you know is that you’re infinitely aware of their proximity to you and every single move that they’re making and every single breath that’s being breathed between the two of you. We wanted that moment to be that experience,” exec producer Julie Plec tells EW. “When we talked to [director] Chris Grismer, we  just said, ‘Milk every single beat out of this that you can. It’s so much about what’s not being said. It’s so much about them just lying next to each other, the beauty and intimacy and sexual chemistry of just being near each other is what needs to be telling the story here. So take as long as you want, and shoot it as much as you want, and we’ll put it together from there.’ They definitely gave us everything we needed.” 
By the end of the episode, Elena had pulled back from Damon, even though the audience (along with Jeremy) had heard ghost Rose’s passionate plea for why she should choose Damon. So where does that leave us? With some hope for those rooting for Stefan. “Stefan was very, very gracious to encourage her to go on this road trip with Damon. His point of view, as he expressed to Alaric, is that all this work that I’ve done to get myself to be worthy of her and how much I care for her doesn’t matter if she has feelings for someone else. He’s allowing that room for her to explore that, which is a fairly magnanimous gesture for a dude, truthfully,” Plec says. “Elena, still being very confused about her feelings for Damon — which obviously exist, it’s just how does she want to define them — gets schooled by Caroline, who is proudly wearing her Team Stefan T-shirt at the beginning of this episode, metaphorically speaking. She’s basically saying, ‘You’re supposed to be exploring, so explore both sides. You and Stefan, in my opinion, are meant to be. So make sure that you explore him, too.’ That encourages Elena to reach out to Stefan and say, ‘Look, I don’t know what’s going on with us, or if anything can ever go on with us, but why don’t we give this one night a shot to just spend some time together.” (Will Stefan find out about Damon and Elena’s steamy makeout session? “Elena doesn’t keep it a secret. What gets said about it is part of the episode. It’s addressed but not addressed,” Plec  says.)
The night that Stefan and Elena spend together is, of course, the Roaring ’20s Decade Dance. “Damon comes in at an unfortunately romantically inopportune moment to say, ‘Fun’s over. We’ve got a problem.’ Damon is actually, like, a double c—blocker in this episode,’ now that I think about it,” Plec laughs. “There’s two moments where Damon interrupts something romantic accidentally.” The problem has to do with last week’s big Rebesther twist, in which Esther took over Rebekah’s body to get to Alaric (or Evilaric), who fetched the white oak stake that can kill an Original. “Last year at the decade dance, we had Alaric being possessed by Klaus though a bodyswapping spell. It felt poetic to bookend this year’s decade dance with the same trick,” Plec says. “Earlier in the season, we actually talked about having Esther take the form of somebody else, whether it be Bonnie or Rebekah, before we met her in present day. And then we ditched that plan early on, and came back around to it for this episode.” She doesn’t want to say too much, but she will tease this: ”That story line takes instantly a left turn right at the beginning of the episode. So everything everybody thinks they’re gonna see is actually different.” We wouldn’t expect anything less.

Az új írásomból egy kis morzsa...

Másoktól lestem el, h mennyit raknak ki morzsaként, szóval az új írásomból:

" ... , - ? ! "

na????? :))))))))))

Új videó - new video

A panoráma videó alatt egy másik... a komolyság után egy kis poén.. :D:D Tényleg hihetetlen így visszanézve, hogy szinte minden nagy DE pillanatot megzavart vki

Új panoráma Videó!

Bizonyára tudjátok, hogy csak azokat rakom ki panorámába, ami tényleg isteni videó lett. Aminek van üzenete, története, és ami igazi.
Hát ez az...
Aki nem értené Damon és Elena kapcsolatát az feltétlenül NÉZZE MEG! Ez a videó az Ő utazásukról szól, a közös útjukról.

Köszönet a videóért Eewanak! Puszi Anyu, köszi :D:D:D (L)

Spoileráradat! Köszi EEWA!!!! Imádunk, nagyon! :)

Új still képek a 3x20-ból, Klaroline rajongók figyelem!!!

Szupersexi képet Daniel Gillesről, avagy Elijahról... aaahhhh

Interjú Claire Holt-tal (alias Rebekah).. ahol megemlíti, hogy Ian nagyon is jól csókol... "ki gondolta volna?!" :D:D

Spoiler Esther tervéről és Rebeka jövőjéről

Spoilerek Ausiellotól:

Question: Can I have a Vampire Diaries spoiler on Caroline and Klaus? —Elizabeth
Ausiello: Our gal is going to be seriously conflicted when it comes a certain Original. “Caroline doesn’t understand what draws her to Klaus [just like] any young woman who is seduced by and charmed by and intrigued by a dangerous man,” says EP Julie Plec. “There’s a lot of things that she can’t really explain about herself and her connection to him.” But there is one thing that she knows for certain. “She’s made her loyalty to Tyler and her love for Tyler very clear and will continue to have to do that.” However, that might not be enough to reassure her hybrid boyfriend, who’s “jealous and pissed off” about her new sorta-relationship with his sire. “[Tyler will] deal with that in the next episode, realizing that, ‘Hey, I sort of brought this on myself by leaving and leaving the opening for this guy to come in and move in on my girl,’” previews Plec. “Unfortunately, there’s still the question remaining: Was he able to effectively break that sire bond, or is he in for a rude awakening? You’ll definitely see that play out over the next couple [of episodes].”
Question: Any scoop on Vampire Diaries, Supernatural or Sons of Anarchy would make my day! Do you still accept cases of Snapple as a bribe? —Amy
Ausiello: I choose TVD (and diet raspberry iced tea, thank you). And, if you’re a Rebekah fan, Amy, you’ll be especially interested — and relieved — to know that, even though her mother is currently possessing her body, the lone Original sister is OK. “It’s a temporary problem,” Plec assures. “It will resolve itself quickly and effectively.” But first, Esther will use Alaric to try to get what she wants. “What she sees in [his] alter ego is someone who loathes vampires and could be a useful ally in her quest to kill her children,” teases Plec. “She has big plans for the hunter in him.” As for when the gang will figure out that Rebekah isn’t really herself, “it all comes to a head right away in the next episode.”
Question: I’m dying to know if there are any spoilers you have for Bonnie on The Vampire Diariesat all? It seems like she’s barely on this season. —Suzy
Ausiello: She’s in this Thursday’s episode, and according to exec producer Julie Plec, she “gets to get gorgeous and have a date, which seems like it should be awesome and is briefly a really nice time for her. But then, unfortunately, as things tend to at the Decade Dances, the date gets disrupted and her date, Jamie, gets to see the other side of her life, which is how she saves the day.”

Ian interjú