2012. április 26., csütörtök

What Da Fuck??!! Mit történik Carolinenal??!

Vki magyarázza már meg, hogy hol van a jófej, laza, NEM IDIÓTA Caroline??

Most komolyan azt sugallja Elenának, hogy legyél Stefannal és maradj távol Mattől??! MI VAN??!!! Ezután a cikk után eskü nem is nagyon akarom látni ezt az epizódot..
Stelenáról is sok minden van benne...

Vampire Diaries Preview: 5 Scoopy Bits From the 'Really Sad' Decade Dance

Vampire Diaries Elena and StefanA dance should be a happy affair, but on The Vampire Diaries it usually ends in disaster. Tonight’s 1920s party (airing at 8/7c on The CW) will be no exception. “It’s a really sad [episode] in which Tyler wears a badass fedora, Matt wields a rifle, Jeremy brandishes a crossbow, and the beautiful Caroline Forbes [finds] an excellent lipstick-dress color hue match and fends off multiple suitors,” previews executive producerJulie Plec.
Below are 5 other scoopy bits from the hour, titled “Do Not Go Gentle,” which we had the good fortune of screening in advance.

•  While last week’s episode was a veritable valentine to Delena ‘shippers, tonight’s hour will give fans of Elena and her first love, Stefan, plenty to swoon about. Even though she just made out with his brother, Elena will call up her ex and ask him to be her date. “[Stefan]‘s been terrified of opening himself back up and letting those feelings in,” says Plec. Apprehension aside, he will gladly accept Elena’s offer, and yes, a certain someone will find out about it. But more surprising is the younger Salvatore’s reaction when Elena brings up her and Damon’s road trip adventure. “The cliché is the girl tears them apart, so how can we let the girl bring them even closer together, which of course makes her decision even more difficult?” muses Plec.
•  After the last episode’s big Alaric and Rebekah/Esther cliffhanger, it’s no surprise that the dark side of Elena and Jeremy’s guardian takes center stage. But if you think you know where this story is going, you might be in for a shock or two (or three).

• Caroline’s the one who encourages Elena to ask Stefan to the dance, but did you know that in addition to being a Stelena ‘shipper, our favorite perky vamp is…anti-Matt/Elena? Out of concern for her friend, she’ll give some words of advice to her ex-boyfriend about getting too close to Elena. “People who love her and care about her tend to get hurt,” explains Plec, adding that a season finale flashback will reveal “what it was like when [Elena and Matt] were dating and that they were themselves in a troubled relationship. Even though she’s remembering a simpler time, her problems were just as complicated.”
•  Then there’s Caroline’s own busy love life… Yes, as the picture to the right reveals, she will be dancing with both Tyler and Klaus. So how does Tyler feel about his sire and his girl getting close? “He’s biting his tongue,” says Michael Trevino. But one guy clearly has the edge over the other – just maybe not forever.

•  Have some tissues at the ready because the waterworks will no doubt be flowing, especially during a particularly moving scene involving the entire cast, which Plec calls “the heart and soul” of the season.

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