Röviden, tömören magyarul: Az írója mindent egybevetve és átgondolva így gondolkodik a fináléról.
Elena átváltozik, de nem akarja befejezni az átváltozást, Damon nem fogja semmire sem kényszeríteni, hagyja hogy saját döntést hozzon a lány és úgy is cselekedjen. Elena itt vallja be Damonnak hogy szereti és Damon is elmond vmi nagyon fontos dolgot a lánynak (véleményem szerint, hogy hamarabb találkoztak már..) És végül Damon megöleli Elenát.
Azért Damon lenne most Elena mellett az átváltozáskor, mert a 2x20 vagy 21.ben megtudtuk h Stef erről hogy gondolkodik, minek ugyanazt mégegyszer eljátszani?
Olvassátok el, nem rossz gondolat!!:) Itt aztán tényleg várnánk h Elena meghal (valszeg nem) vagy átváltozik!!!:)
I have a spoiler speculation.
the new spoiler says:
as the hour comes to a close, elena finally makes the choice fans will debate all summer. “we’ll put elena in a situation where there’s only one brother that she can see in a very important moment, and she needs to decide which one it is,” plec says. “we’ll know which brother she wants to be with at this point in her life.”
i have no idea how they’re going to put elena in this condition. whatever. i think the context of the situation is that she’s transitioning. so, let’s assume she is.
why would she want to talk to stefan about it? she already knows what he would say. they had their talk about this in 2x20 “the last day”. why would elena want to hear it all over again? but elena doesn’t know what damon has to say on this.
moreover, here are my thoughts on ian’s new interview. in short, i assume elena tells damon she’s not going to complete the transition and he lets her make that decision and he doesn’t try to persuade or force her to turn. now this seems to become canon.
also, ian said that damon and elena share an ‘introspective’ scene. it now seems to be elena talking to damon about her life because she’s in transition.
in the situation of elena inevitably dying damon probably tells elena something important and she tells him something important, too. she probably admits her feelings. he probably hugs her.
according to nancy, the de scene will make our emotions explode.
if things go as i assume, the scene between damon and elena is going to be truly epic.
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