2012. május 1., kedd

Nyugi van.. a vágó is DE shipper / The editor is a DE shipper too

Stefan is Elena’s harbor, a safe place for her to remain, but Damon is the roaring, dangerous ocean that can sometimes be calm and sometimes be tremulous and even sometimes violent but always beautiful. A ship may be safe in a harbor, but thats not why they were built, they were created to sail the ocean forever. 
“And the arms of the ocean are carrying me. All this devotion was rushing out of me, in the crushes of heaven for a sinner like me. But the arms of the ocean delivered me.” [x]
Stefan is Elena’s harbor, a safe place for her to remain, but Damon is the roaring, dangerous ocean that can sometimes be calm and sometimes be tremulous and even sometimes violent but always beautiful. A ship may be safe in a harbor, but thats not why they were built, they were created to sail the ocean forever. 
“And the arms of the ocean are carrying me. All this devotion was rushing out of me, in the crushes of heaven for a sinner like me. But the arms of the ocean delivered me.” 

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